How The Secret of New York Water Revolutionized Pizza in Phoenix, AZ

Hands grabbing pizza slices

Here at NY Pizza Department, we've brought a slice of New York to the heart of Phoenix, Arizona. Our journey began with a simple realization: it's all about the water.

The Genesis of a Culinary Quest: Phoenix Meets New York Pizza

When Scott and Greg first ventured into the world of pizza-making in Phoenix, they brought with them the same tried-and-true recipes, equipment, and techniques from their beloved New York pizzeria. However, something just wasn’t quite right. The pizza lacked the authentic taste and texture that made New York pizza legendary. That’s when inspiration struck – it’s the water!


Unlocking the Secret Ingredient: New York Water

In New York, the water has long been heralded as the secret ingredient behind the city’s famous bagels and pizzas. Determined to replicate the magic, Scott and Greg went to great lengths to source water from their hometown of Yonkers, New York. They took samples of this water to Culligan, ensuring that the pH balance, mineral content, and lime scale matched precisely with the water back home.

The difference was astonishing. With the introduction of New York water, our pizzas attained a level of authenticity and flavor that was previously unattainable. It wasn’t just about the ingredients; it was about the essence of New York captured in every bite. Maintaining Tradition: The Ongoing Pursuit of New York Water Excellence

Today, while we no longer rely solely on shipments of water from New York, we still maintain a careful balance. Every six months, we receive a modest shipment of New York water, adjusting our filters accordingly to maintain that perfect balance. It’s a labor of love, but one that is essential to preserving the integrity of our pizzas.


From Tap to Table: Serving Authenticity with Every Bite

You might be wondering – does water really make that much of a difference? Absolutely. We’ve become so attuned to the nuances of New York water that we can detect its absence just by the taste of the dough. It’s a subtle difference, but one that true pizza aficionados can discern with ease.

In fact, when we expand to new locations, one of the first things we do is introduce our team to the concept of New York water. We conduct blind tastings, allowing them to experience firsthand the remarkable transformation that occurs when tap water is replaced with the pure essence of New York.

Here at NY Pizza Department, we’re proud to embrace all things Arizona – except for the water. That’s why, when guests order water to drink, we serve them the same high-quality New York water that goes into our pizzas. It’s a small detail, perhaps, but one that speaks volumes about our commitment to authenticity and quality.


Inviting You to Experience the Difference: Join Us for a Blind Tasting Today!

Still skeptical? We invite you to put our claims to the test. Come visit us at NY Pizza Department and experience a blind tasting for yourself. We’re confident that once you’ve tasted the difference New York water makes, you’ll never look at pizza – or water – the same way again. At NY Pizza Department, we believe great pizza is more than just a combination of ingredients – it’s a reflection of tradition, craftsmanship, and yes, even water. By harnessing the power of New York water, we’ve been able to bring a taste of the Big Apple to the desert landscape of Phoenix, Arizona. Come join us on this culinary journey, and discover why sometimes, it really is all about the water.